• We work seven days a week


The company "Teplohodik" will help to organize a great event "on the water". We will find you a great passenger ship, pleasure boat, yacht, for a walk along the Dnieper, and for special occasions.

Listen to these tips:

1. Renting a boat for the event , you need to determine in advance the number of invited guests. The cost of renting the vessel depends on its passenger capacity - the more passengers, the more expensive the rent.

2. Only when you have pinpointed the date of the event can book boat. It is important to clarify whether the ship is free on this day.

3. You need to personally go to the ship and inspect it, and make an advance payment, which usually accounts for 50% of the freight costs.

4. When organizing a banquet or buffet table, it is important to know whether it is possible to cook food on the ship. Be sure to check out what extra services you may offer on the boat, which can be quite attractive on pricing, but also facilitate the organization of the event.

5. Pay attention to your guests that the ship goes for a walk in the designated time, and every minute of downtime is included in the rent. Guests will not be able to get away from the event before, because will ship in flight.

6. It is very difficult to guess the weather on the day of the celebration. There is always the danger of cold weather or rain.

7. We need to clearly observe the passenger ship and observe the number of seats for banquets and buffets. This is primarily due to safety walks.

8. Required for a long walk, consider parking the ship with access to the beach, t.k.4 - 8:00 on board in a confined space is very tedious and boring.

9. At the organization during a walk on the banks of the green parking lot you need to clarify whether it is possible to moor pier equipped or whether the ship ladder for easy exit of passengers to shore. Specify whether the ship carrying furniture picnic and will be music on the beach.

10. Most boats are invited to restaurants for the organization and maintenance of banquets and receptions ( catering ). On many ships are equipped galleys, but more often they are not suitable for cooking, and are only used for heating and hot dishes, etc. Check in advance whether it is possible to invite a third party or restaurant meals must be ordered only on the ship. There are ships on which side of the restaurant are not allowed, and on many ships for the operation of catering while walking charges an additional fee.

11. The cost of renting the vessel will increase on Friday and Saturday , as well as in the days of graduation ceremonies. On weekdays and Sundays rental prices are more attractive.


We work seven days a week